- (2014 SAII) (3 marks)
Carolus Liniaus gave the two kingdom classification. Later it was changed by Ernst Haikel (1894) and in 1959, Whittaker gave the five-kingdom classification. Do you think that studying about the work done by earlier scientists or their obsolete theories is useful for students of this generation? Give 3 reasons.
- (2014 SAII)(3 marks)
Disha saw a house wall lizard crawling in the wall and asked her mother who was a biology teacher–
(a) Is body temperature related to surrounding temperature in reptiles? How can we define this feature of reptiles?
(b)What is their breathing organ?
(c) Is there any reptile with four-chambered heart ? Summarize her mother’s statements.
- 2014 SAII)(5 marks)
(a) Identify the organism shown in the picture and write the common name and scientific name of the organism.
(b) Name its phylum and kingdom.
(c) Which organ of digestive system normally harbours this organism?
4. (2014 SAII) (1 mark)
Plants which never bear flowers or seeds are grouped under :
(a) Planerogams
(b) Cryptogams
(c) Spermatophyta
(d) Angiosperms
5. (2014 SAII)(1 mark)
Parul, Apurva, Diya and Shruti were given a specimen of lily for recognizing the main characters of monocotyledonous plant. Each one wrote three characters in favour of answer. Who gave the right answer :
Name of the student Root type Flower Leaf venation Parul Fibrous Tetramerous Reticulate Apurva Tap Pentamerous Parallel Divya Fibrous Trimerous Parallel Shruti Tap Dimerous Reticulate 6. (2014 SAII) (1 mark)
The correct identification of dicotyledonous plant from the following figures is
(a)Both A and C (b)both A and D (c) both B and C (d) both B and D
7. (2014 SAII)(2 marks)
Which adaptive feature found in earthworm keeps its skin always moist?
8. (2014 SAII)(1 mark)
A student is observing the life cycle of a mosquito. He observes the worm like animal during which stage of life cycle ?
(a) Egg (b) pupa
(c) adult (d) larva
9.(2016-17 SAII)(1 mark)
Why do female mosquitoes need highly nutritious food in the form of human blood?
10.(2016-17 SAII)(3 marks)
Give the scientific terms of the following
- True internal body cavity of animals
- Cold blooded animal that breed through lungs
- A plant body not differentiated into root, stem and leaves
11.(2016-17 SAII)(5 marks)
Answer the following questions
- Name two organisms who have prokaryotic cells
- Which animal phylum has the lowest structural organization?
- In which animal phylum true body appears for the first time?
- After which structured the phylum Echinodermata has been named?
- Why are bryophytes called amphibians of the plant kingdom?
12. (2016-17 SAII)(1 mark)
Arun is provided with two plants to study external features of root & leaf. He found that root of one plant is tap root and leaf of other plant has parallel venation. The type of plants respectively are:
- dicot plant, monocot plant
- monocot plant , dicot plant
- Both are dicot plants
- Both are monocot plants
13. (2016-17 SAII)(1 mark)
A teacher in a laboratory period asked a student to identify the organ used by female Anopheles mosquito to suck the animal blood and student correctly identified this as
a)Wings b) Proboscis c) Spiracles d) Antennae
14.(2016-17 SAII)(1 mark)
Ribbon shaped spiral chloroplast is present in
a)Agaricus b) Spirogyra c) Chlamydomonas d) Ulothrix
15.(2016-17 SAII)(1 mark)
The characteristic not common between bony fish and pigeon is
a)Vertebral column b) Streamlined body c) Warm blooded d) Lay eggs
16.(2016-17 SAII)(2 marks)
Name the animal phylum to which the cockroach belongs. Also state two phylum features of cockroach.
17.(2012SAII)(2 marks)
1) Give a difference between lizards and snakes (1)
2) Name the type of nutrition in fungi(1)
18.(2012SAII)(2 marks)
Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridophyte are classified as cryptogamae , whereas gymnosperms and angiosperms are classified as phenorogame . Why?
19.(2012SAII)(3 marks)
To which group the following organism belong and give one reason for each
a)Cyanobacteria b) Euglena c)Ulothrix
20.(2012SAII)(1 mark)
Non- flowering plants belong to
- Cryptogams
- Phanerogams
- Dicots
- Monocots
21.(2012SAII)(1 mark)
Which of the following is not an amphibian
- Sea-anemone b) Frog c)Toad d) Hyla
22.(2012SAII)(1 mark)
Non green saprophytic plant is
- Marsilea b) Marchantia c)Paramecium d) Rhizopus
23.(2012SAII)(1 mark)
Which of the following show aquatic adaptations
- Snake b) Fish c) Bacteria d) Toad
- (2012SAII)(1 mark)
24.Which of the following is warm blooded animal?
a)Liver fluke b) Human being c) Draco d) Salamander
25.(2014-15 SAII)(3 marks)
Write any three concrete examples of such characteristics that are used for hierarchical classification.
26.(2014-15 SAII)(3 marks)
Draw diagram of paramecium and label on it : Water vacuole , Cilia ,cytosome, cytopyge
27.(2014-15 SAII)(5 marks)
Give example of each of the following
- A reptile with four chambered heart
- An egg laying mammal
- A fish with a Skeleton made entirely of cartilage
- Some fungal species live in permanent mutually dependent relationship with blue graan algae(or cyanobacteria )
- Amphibian of plant kingdom
28.(2014-15 SAII)(1 mark)
Chloroplast in spirogyra is
- Spirally arranged and ribbon shaped with pyrenoids
- Spirally arranged without pyrenoids
- Circular
- Cup shaped
29.(2014-15 SAII)(1 mark)
Four students observed roots and leaves of the maze plant and reported as under.Out of these which observation is correct
- Tap root and parallel venation in its leaves
- Fibrous roots and reticulate venation in its leaves
- Tap roots and reticulate venation in its leaves
- Fibrous roots and parallel venation in its leaves
30.(2014-15 SAII)(1 mark)
A student observed and identified as parallel venation. The same kind of venation is characteristics of the plant which is
a)Hibiscus b) grass c) tulsi d) mustard
31.(2014-15 SAII)(1 mark)
A larva has
a)head, thorax b)head , thorax , abdomen c) head, thorax, abdomen, wings d)head, abdomen
- (2014-15 SAII)(2 marks)
Why an organism develops adaptive features? State an adaptive feature shown by fish
- (2013-14 SAII)(2 marks)
- a) A flowering plant whose embryo possesses single cotyledon (Give scientific term)
b)A unicellular , eukaryotic aquatic organism (Name the kingdom)
- (2013-14 SAII)(3 marks)
Answer the following
- Who is known as “Father of Taxonomy”?
- What is meant by nomenclature?
- What are the conventions followed while writing the scientific names?
- (2013-14 SAII)(3 marks)
Differentiate between
- Cryptogam and Phanerogam
- Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon
- Bryophyte and Pteredophyte
30.(2013-14 SAII)(1 ½ marks)
Differentiate between various classes of vertebrate on basis of :
a)Heart b) Respiration c)Reproduction
31.(2013-14 SAII)(1 mark)
Ferns are advanced over mosses because they bear
a)Stem b) Leaves c)sporangia d)vascular tissue
- (2013-14 SAII)(1 mark)
The number of teeth in beak of birds are
- 8 b) 16 c)32 d) None of these
- (2013-14 SAII)(1 mark)
Earthworm mainly feeds on
a)Plant product b) Insects c) Microbes d) Soil rich humus
34.(2013-14 SAII)(2 marks)
How are earthworms responsible for making soil fertile?